- A chronicle of behind the scenes photos and stories from a professional photography assistant
 Active portraits of roofing contractor for Dickies Williamson Clothing Co.

Dickies Denim

 “We want to show an action sequence in one shot”

SC Pictures was approached by Dickies to do a few shots that showed their denim in action. The look was meant to be tough, cool and unique. 

When planning the shoot, I was inspired by the pioneering work of  Eadweard Muybridge. Researching his work and method helped me come up with an approach. There were two ways to achieve the look that Dickies wanted; Shoot each frame individually and composite them all together, or try to shoot it all in one frame. Coming from Brooks Institute, I was taught to do as much as you can in a single frame, and do it methodically. My first thought was to do a long exposure and manually pop the strobe, however that would make it difficult to repeat the exact same action every time. I questioned how to get 4 or 5 flash pops at 1/15 shutter to go off at a consistent interval. 

The solution:

Using both a Broncolor Scoro A2 and A4 pack I was able to program in the shutter speed needed and the amount of flash pops I wanted within that exposure. What happened was every time the shutter went off all the strobes fired 5 times. 

The final product turned out great. Check it out below!
